Manufacturer Warranty & Disclaimer

Limited Warranty Information – PLEASE READ CAREFULLY

All statements and/or technical information found on this website, physical or digital printouts, and/or product catalogs is offered in good faith and MarMac Applied Infrastructure Sciences (AIS) believes to be accurate. However, because conditions and methods of use of our products are beyond our direct control, this information should not be used in situations for customer’s tests to ensure that our products are effective, safe, and fully satisfactory for the intended end use. Suggestions of use shall not be taken as inducements to infringe any patents.

AIS’ sole warranty is that at the time of shipment our products will meet sales specifications.

Your exclusive remedy for any breach of such warranty is limited to refund of purchase price or replacement of any product evidenced to be other than as warranted.

The purchaser must determine the suitability of the products for the intended use and assumes all risks and liabilities in connection therewith. However, AIS assumes no liability for providing information and advice including the extent to which such information and advice may relate to existing third party intellectual property rights, especially patent rights, nor shall any legal relationship be created by or arise from the provision of such information and/or advice. AIS reserves the right to make any changes according to technological progress or further developments. The Purchaser of the product(s) must test the product(s) for suitability for the intended application and purpose before proceeding with a full application of the products(s). Performance of the product described herein should be verified by testing and carried out by qualified experts.

AIS disclaims any other express or implied warranty of fitness for a particular purpose or merchantability.